Friday, July 1, 2011

the sOund of the lizard..

she feLt betrayed, but she juSt wish that he cud tOld her that, but the lizard came nOdding that he dOesn t interested in you anymore ema,
where shud i turn tO nOw
where in bed shud i sLeep nOw,
am scared of the dark but i alwes dun hev any Other chOice tO sleep anywhere else,
where shud thiS heart reLy tO nOw,
nOw she alwes cried in bed when the dark cOmes
she wish that everything was fine, but she cant take it to face the mOnster
it went so painful, and very much of wound at nite..
she forgotten all on a day lite and it heppens again on the dark
lizard, please nod that one day that scary monster will go away
lizard please make a sound of nodding that you used to
i wanna get rid of it

lizard lizard ..where are yOuuuuuu !!!!????!!!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

pandan, ataw kah kesidang..?

angin lalu membawa bau kesidang, yang kadangkala buat akO rasa keliru..
nyamannya bau kesidang yang berbunga lebat itu, mulus sungguh rupamu..
angin bertiup sepOi membawa bersama kesidang yang berbunga jatuh ke tanah, namun rupamu beradun molek di atas rumput nan hijau itu..
buat akO bertanya lagi kesidang kah, ataw pon pandan..ataw pon hanya rumput yang bertumbuh lalang..?

akO sukakan lalang, namun kesidang berbau pandan itu amat menraik hati, untuk akO kekal terus memandangnya.

Friday, June 17, 2011

wheN she arriveS...

she flew over the mOuntain and thru the lOng hi-way..
with the bulk of magicaL ppOwder back rite On her brOOm ride, she caLLed..sileNt.!
she flew thru the blue sky, the sun shines sO bright, that she feLt awkward tO keep on riding the brOOm, but thiS magic pOwder need tO be delivered as sOOn as pOssible.

i want tO bring gOOd health to the cOmmunity, and i wanted tO give yOu the beSt !!!
i called , again there was...... am cOming dOwn tO yOu tO bring this magic powder..agaiN there waS sileNT !

after a lOng ride on a brOOm she waS exhausted, she finally arrived to the place .she called, and waited and called and waited..what she can t understand why SILENT ?

why muSt silent ?
why muSt silent ?
haS she sounded like a desperadO >??

she waited, and waited ..stiLL was the silent knOcked on the sky..the brOOm she rOde On has brOken..she dOes nOt need any explanatiOn tOO as siLent kill it all.

but, she never take Out the lOrd of the ring off her right fOrth finger tOO..
let the siLent remain fOr the mOment..shhhhh