Saturday, October 13, 2012
we muSt nOt miStake kindneSS for weakneSS.kindneSS isn t weak.kindneSS is a certain type of strength..!
Friday, October 12, 2012
suddeNLy i feLt like sOmebOdy haS sLaPPed me On my face and then ran away.i m feeLing the pain and hurt up tiLL nOw, buT..sTrange that i din bLame him.thank yOu.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
waTer aQua LiQuid..air
aS Our inteStineS are sO lOng in Our bOdy, the fOOd we eaT takeS a lOng jOurney tO gO tO the digeStiOn sysTem.thiS prOceSS needS a lOtS of water to fLuSh all the fOOd tOxic OuT frOm the bOdy.imagine a drain in Our hOuse, thaT when we clean it we can T juS take a buckeT of waTer buT we need much Of water tO geT it fLuSh and cLeanSe and fLuSh it again uP tiLL aLL the dirt fade Off.same cOncePt we USe tO cLean uP the inteStineS.sO sTarT frOm nOw On , use much of waTer dependS On hOw heavy yOu weigh.if yOu need tO cOnsume 3 litreS of waTer,timing yOur water by 3 seSSioNs each time.start yOur 1st litre by 8am.quarter of 1 litre must be finish uP by 815am, then anOther quarter by 830am, quarter 845 and by 9 yOu already finiSh uP a bOttLe.isn t that a greaT achivemenT fOr yOu.start up again in the afternOOn using the same methOd.let s say start at 2 o clock.then the finaL one shud be befOre the nite cOmeS.there yOu gO.the only thing yunnO is that yOu get yOurseLf hydrated for the day.aLL the beSh On waTer..key Of the hydraTed suPPle skin and beauty..yOOShh..!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
dO yunnO that skiN needs water to stay yOung ..? rejuveNate yOurseLf with water.drink plenty of iT and iT wiLL increaSed yOur metabOLLic rateS and heLpS yOur digeStiOn tO wiLL alSO helps to proceSS yOur calOries intake. water yOu take is accOrdingly tO yOur bOdy weight.every 20 kilos you weigh yOu must drink a litre of water.sO One with 60 kiloS must drink at leaSt 3litres.simple rite.sO get started nOw tO a whOle new jOurney.and yOu LL find this simple tiPs is very heLpful..water liquid aQua..fill it in NOW..!!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
tO geT a gOOd skin ..? know whaT yOu eat..!!
yuNNO what the impOrtant thing in a daily diet intake in our fOOdS..? it s the nutritiOn ..!
many peOple dunnO that what we eat actuaLLy cOntribute tO whaT our skin complexion texture.tO get a supple and smOOth wOnderS skin One need tO be fOcuS tO WATER..!
hOw dOeS the very baSic need of living such aS water dO wOnderS tO yOur skiN..?
hOw much water dOeS one need in a day in Order tO get shining skin..?
am abOut tO teLL ya abOut nutritiOn..and water..
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
my Papa..
i weNt back hOme thiS mOrning, viSited Mama.the sOil haS sinking, and the graveyard waS sO silenT.Mama is dOwn there.and i din spent much time as it s stiLL hurt me of the lOSS and trauma that i m still gOin thru.
went back hOme tO Mama s hOuse.silent.i knOw Papa was inside the main bedrOOm naPPing, but i din gO and wake him uP.why..? i m still aSking myself why uP tiLL nOw.
lOOked at Mama s stuffS.her pebereT Vantage, her pebereT Corning, her carpeTs.the hOuse was like ransacked by a thieveS.her rOses wilt, her kitchen was in a meSS.i stiLL cud imagine her walking towards me.came out from the kitchen door, wearing batik and tshirt.i miSS her sO much..Ma i miSS yOu.
why that Papa muSt got married sO faSt.can t he just spend a lil time mourning..? i hate it each time when i think of it.i know that he needs a companion.but replacing Mama with someone else within 3 months is a lil bit too not hating him, but i dun dare to talk yet to say any words.jus i miSS him too..i miSSS you too Pa.i dun deny that.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
keSidang died..
there waS nO mO water on the plant.leaveS started to wit and feLL tO the grOund,the plant started to bend tO the eaSt.Oh...
nO mO new shOOtS..
nO mO beautifuL flOwerS..
nO mO whitiSh blOOmerS...
left only the sOil..with the dead brancheS.
im sad, but i cOuldn t heLp it..juS blame the rain fOr nOt pouring down, blame the wind fOr blOwing tOO hard.err..waS it hard..hihi ;)that keSidang went eaSt..* sigh *
nOw that keSidang off the grOund..!
i miSS tO see badak..feeLing sO lOnely shOwering in the pond alOne.
hOpefuLLy One day badak findS the way hOme.
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