Thursday, October 22, 2009


big changes in our life is more or less a second chance.but to me, yes it has has changed, but i m still the same.i hardly can describe what have i gone through for the couples day before.had a big fight with my younger brother and he said sarcastics words which i never thought would have came out from him.
i felt devastated and my dreams shattered again.
things that came across my mind is why that i never learn how to limit myself from being so nice and and faithfully hope that the person i love so much would have the same feeling as me!
i blame myself for being so dumb.
i m going kl very soon on the weekend but yet i m figuring out one good reason of not to do so.never want to meet him and see his face anymore.
even i know it s a very very hard task to do.
oh i m feeling so sad.
i hardly can sleep cos my head keep spinning and cracking.
he s an evil...
and i m so sad..
i am his elder sister..gheeeee


  1. your funky and sexy disicpline will kick him in no time...believe me...ahaks....
    Believe in Kantan also...huhuhuhu...

  2. hey thank you sO much Mad to hev faith in me, n yunnO wat..i ve made it gOOd betwEEn me and him again.jusT that he stiLL cOld..but i dun givE a damn anymO..i m nicE and i hate waR.never wana be a perjudice !! yOOOShhHH !!
