it S a new day Of anOther chaptEr Of me and family and withOut my fB frEnziE.thiS mOrn , Out Of nOwhere i wOke uP early at 430am and switched On my laPtOP and typed the fB hOmepage so that i could log in, but sadly realised that i ve oredY deactivated it few days agO.
LaSt niTE.
i feLt sO dOwn and saD whenever , huBBY camE bacK and tOLd me abOut hiS fB frEns and the triP they are organising tO a place tOgether.he waS anxious and i was jus cOld.........listEned tO him .dEEp dOwn in my hearT, i neveR have any OPpOrtunity tO teLL him the truth hOw i treasUrE my fB frens tOO, that I dO have the smilES and laughtErs with thEm, i OlsO hev a lOt Of planS with my Own friendS...juS exactly like the way he dOes !i dO hev iT aLL..........:(
yeS, withOut the fB i cOuld be mOre fOcuS on my roUtinE as a mOther and a hOmemaker,
but i m fEElin' lOnely.i m fEELin' like being dumPed in a tOnnes of thrash in a deserTed frEns and aLL the laughtEr i ve GOt frOm them wErE gOne, thE Only thingS that stayS are the knOwledgE and educatiOnS i gained within the periOd.thanK yOu tO my fB frEns for rOcking my wOrld ! eveN thO it was juS a whilE.
i StILL remembEr laSt tIME , i thOught i wOulD be thEre tiLL thE End Of my lifE , and they wilL be with mE tHrOugh thE SAD and haPPY timeS ~ but yet am juSt alOne..
i miSS facebOOking !! and the overwhelmed feelin' i vE gOt each time i ve dOne thingS.things which i felT stupid, siLLy Or unimpOrtant, but tO my certain frEns they wiLL stILL respOnd me , with advicE and laughters.
shOuld i juS activatE my facebOOK again...
yeT i m stILL lOOking for an answeR. yOOOShhhh !!!
we all love you Ema...give your self some time before making any decision on your fb acc tu ye...!
ReplyDeleteHamisah Mohd Kassim
ReplyDeletehi dearest fren,buddy, hiker, diver, fb... v miss u here and as I told u b4 just activate da FB !! u do hv a life out of normality and u wl need a balance too! believe u me.. v need it! mmuuuaahhhsss!!!
Emily Vamp Koo
Activate your Facebook but only allow yourself one day per hour maybe? In the same time also got time focus on your family dear.. I also leave without facebook..but now try to cut down ^_^ Love you Em ;)
Jan Van Der Kevie
Just be you Ema, all the rest doesn't matter, only what you want to do, with your account not activated you will not get to see these comments anyway :(
Ku Mohd Nasir
yeah, right Jan...i just took this note from her blog without asking her permission, just to share among us. But i ll copy all the comment & post it on her blog later so she can still see our comment to her.
Be your self Ema !!!
Mohd Yassir Che Amat
Andy Ghani
be yourself and believe in yourself , the tip to success..keep it cool'll see us all again , one day..
Janson Gan
it does't matter what happen out there, we all will be always here for your, and we are just a call away. don't feel alone, coz u are not, don't feel helpless, coz u are not.
you have friends here, and always be here for you, there are ppl who said : a good friend don't see everyday, yes, u might not be here right now, but we are with u at all ya ^^ ( janson & amy )
Azhar Hussin
ReplyDeleteEma... Miss you cheerful and exuberant presence in the FB especially in the early houirs of the day. Uoua are always eager to learn more about nature.. don't give that up...that is a part of yiou which few have the previledge to posess. Whatever path you may choose, I wish you the very best in your endeavour..