Friday, July 9, 2010

Leona Lewis-I Will Be w/lyrics

i miSS my eldeSt sOn by nOw ~
yeSterdaY he caLLEd mE and tOld me that hiS reputatiON on the mid-year term exam was gOing dOwn belOw.he even gOt B in hiS favOuritE subject mathematics ! tOld him it waS Okay but, he need to put mOre effOrt tO overcOme thiS situatiOn in the futurE.And i m surE he can !!

A mother-eldeSt son relationship can sometimes exact a heavy price.aS fOr me, i nEvEr can stOp thinking abOut my ELdESt.evEn at hOme i havE anOthEr 3 to lOOk after,i stiLL give the very high priOrity to hiS needs.eveN he staYs far awaY frOm hOMe,with the friEndS, i stILL gO n visit him wheneVEr i hEv time, juSt tO makE surE he is in a verY beSt cOnditiOn.

iT haS nurtured naturaLLy in the earLy lifE when he waS bOrn, whEn i tranSfOrmed frOm a wifE tO a mother.sOmetimeS i m feEling likE it s an unfair thing to hiS siblingS.

i havE sO much paSSion in everything he dOne ! i ll be the greateSt suPPOrter, i made friend with aLL Of hiS frenS when he was in primary schOOl,i knOw evry mOther whOm their sOns were at the samE claSS with him, senT him tuitiOn, and back hOme i dOne all the check out on hiS homework mysElF. i waS sO paSSiOnatE !! and aLL my effort paid when he scOreS A s and accepted in as a student in One of the bOarding schOOL.

but yEt when he S gOne for study and nOt fuLLy at hOme anymOre, i never thOt that i wOuld feEling empty.even i hev my anOther 3 to be taken care passiOn of what i had when i was with IsyraF gOne tOgether with him aS he lEft the hOusE.what kinda fEEling of a mOther I hev nOw, when the clOsest frEn she had left her fOr gOOd.

i miSS ISyraf !! the firSt few monthS i cried a lOt befOre i went tO bed as my mind was aLL ovEr him.eveN my schedulE were sO titE with claSSeS and sending the siblings fOr tuition, guitar claSS, pianO, tenniS, swImmIng and drawing clasSEs..i never fOrget him.

if he never caLL me within 3 dayS , i wiLL started wOndering what haPPen, whether he S dOIn okay nOt and aLL the thingS that matter and related tO him wilL cOme tO my mind.i juS lOve him sO much.
am feEling the ritE thing..??
am I dOing gOOd on my work as a mOther tO aLL my kidS..???
am yet trying to fine tuning mysElf of taking thingS fairly amOng them aLL.
wana be the bESt mOm they ever had as long as i stILL alive and strOng~ yOOOsHHHH !!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


it S a new day Of anOther chaptEr Of me and family and withOut my fB frEnziE.thiS mOrn , Out Of nOwhere i wOke uP early at 430am and switched On my laPtOP and typed the fB hOmepage so that i could log in, but sadly realised that i ve oredY deactivated it few days agO.

LaSt niTE.
i feLt sO dOwn and saD whenever , huBBY camE bacK and tOLd me abOut hiS fB frEns and the triP they are organising tO a place tOgether.he waS anxious and i was jus cOld.........listEned tO him .dEEp dOwn in my hearT, i neveR have any OPpOrtunity tO teLL him the truth hOw i treasUrE my fB frens tOO, that I dO have the smilES and laughtErs with thEm, i OlsO hev a lOt Of planS with my Own friendS...juS exactly like the way he dOes !i dO hev iT aLL..........:(

yeS, withOut the fB i cOuld be mOre fOcuS on my roUtinE as a mOther and a hOmemaker,
but i m fEElin' lOnely.i m fEELin' like being dumPed in a tOnnes of thrash in a deserTed frEns and aLL the laughtEr i ve GOt frOm them wErE gOne, thE Only thingS that stayS are the knOwledgE and educatiOnS i gained within the periOd.thanK yOu tO my fB frEns for rOcking my wOrld ! eveN thO it was juS a whilE.

i StILL remembEr laSt tIME , i thOught i wOulD be thEre tiLL thE End Of my lifE , and they wilL be with mE tHrOugh thE SAD and haPPY timeS ~ but yet am juSt alOne..
i miSS facebOOking !! and the overwhelmed feelin' i vE gOt each time i ve dOne thingS.things which i felT stupid, siLLy Or unimpOrtant, but tO my certain frEns they wiLL stILL respOnd me , with advicE and laughters.

shOuld i juS activatE my facebOOK again...
yeT i m stILL lOOking for an answeR. yOOOShhhh !!!