Saturday, July 10, 2010

i hatE iT when it cOmEs to bEd tImE...


  1. day is fuLL OF laughters and happineSS shOwS,
    when the suN shineS she thOt she wOUld make it down thrOugh the hiLL ..
    neveR thOt each timE the sun lOSt it shineS , she loSt her patH tOO,
    that she gOt cOnfused, of which way she shOuld chOOse and gO.
    she never wants tO stay theRE dOIng nOthing..
    with the mOsQuitoes enjOying her blOOd tO be sucked of !!
    thE mOst that shE coulD dO is think ! thinK ! and think..
    the fEEt stiLL walking but the mind never want her tO gO tO the path she chOsed, as the truth is she is confused and tOtally Lost !
    the sun tOtally sEt ~
    nOW she cOuld nOt gO anywhere..
    she walks forward and back, ritE and left..
    she shOutS Out lOud ! sO that sOmebOdy cOuld hear her..
    but reSpOnd that she gOt was ONly frOm the insectS and the grEEEn grEEn grASS..
    nobOdy cOUld heLp her,
    nOw she is lOst in her own bed..( bed ..?? )
    waiting for the mOnster frOm the GalapagOs island tO cOme and get her by anytime !!
    whenever he likeSS !!!
    her hOPes devastated and she s feeling despair,
    fOr anOther day and sun shines tOmOlO..
    and anOther sun set which she hates the sun to leave her alone..
    helP me sun, dun leave~
    i need ur shine to stay alive ~!!

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